"the revolution will be televised, but don’t just watch it.” - metagame.wtf

<aside> ❔ in this short article, i describe: what is a L1F3 player? why am i one? how can you become one too?


🥽 first, the metaverse

the concept of the metaverse has been very popularized recently, but the way in which most people use the word is many times very limiting or straight up boring.

as sari azout would put it: “sometimes, i think about how we literally invented magic (the internet) and use it for the most boring shit (advertising, sharing overly edited versions of our lives)”.

i find that a much better definition of what the metaverse is and can be is: a layer of reality beyond what we already know/are used to. i.e. a “meta” universe. maybe plato would call this the “realm of ideas”, some people would address it as a “spiritual realm”, but we could also just see it as “the invisible layer of reality”. a layer that we still haven’t tapped too much into (of course there’s physics, cybernetics and many more fields of study, but still, there’s a lot left to discover).

consider this: we are still in the very beginnings of the digital age. we still aren’t capturing, organizing, making sense of, visualizing and using all sorts of data.

there’s an unknown amount of available data in all of reality, and just like we started to learn how to gather this data through observation and experiments using the scientific method, it’s a natural step of progression to use technologies to expand our abilities to capture data/information (such as the microscope/telescope), to improve our understanding of reality through different methods and perspectives, and to use this new layer of information to help us navigate the complex world we live in.

the incoming avalanche of sensors/robots/IoT, AIs, XR worlds/elements, web3+ architecture and many other technologies will enable this deeper level of interaction with multiple aspects of reality, giving rise to a lot of knowledge, but also to new forms of being - in relationship with other humans, with nature and with technology - which brings with it enormous potential for upsides and downsides.

it’s our responsibility, challenge and mission to steward ourselves and humanity away from existential catastrophes and towards collective thriving.