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<aside> ⚠️ this is still a work in progress, so some things may not be very clear and functions/links may not work. feel free to ask me any questions on t.me/c4ss1us :)


2023 - meditando profile (corrected).jpg

hey there. i’m a l1f3 player & metadesigner collaborating with l1f3 stream - a nonprofit deeptech DAO working to rebuild the foundational systems of our society as open-source, distributed, collaborative and regenerative systems & protocols.

as a result of 4+ years of r&d, i’m focused on creating a player lifestyle and designing/building the l1f3 game, l1f3 OS, l1f3 management system, l1f3 streaming system and l1f3 player system. i’m still publishing content on them + their prototypes. meanwhile, feel free to ask me to learn more. πŸ˜‰

πŸ” my thesis | βš” projects | 🎁 offerings | πŸ—‘ challenges | πŸ’­ areas of interest/expertise | ❔ about me

πŸ‘‹πŸ» my life arena in a snapshot

my game arena - no header.png

my research, curation, design & development is hosted on reality disruption labs, a community DAO that i co-started and currently steward.

it’s where i share my findings, projects and prototypes, which can be valuable for you if you’re interested in any of these topics:

if these topics spark your interest, consider joining us (it’s free! + you can support us by making a donation πŸ˜„).

or work with me! - possible for both individuals and organizations.

currently my work/research is comprised into 3 fronts:

  1. transforming life into a game. building/curating/integrating systems, tools and practices for playing life in more shared, collaborative, regenerative and disruptive ways.
  2. creating glocal systems that are regenerative by design, empowering and supporting all human beings, as well as raising their level of responsibility with respect and collaboration with all other forms of life.
  3. creating tools that enable conscious lifestyles that are shared, collaborative, regenerative and disruptive by design, promoting greater awareness, freedom, empowerment, adventure/fun, healing and contribution.

i studied/experimented with/identified over 500 projects, organizations, initiatives, tools and communities that address these topics from multiple perspectives, in search of the most comprehensive ones. my intent with this was to find ways for us to collaborate towards these objectives, instead of trying to do everything on my own. and through this process, i inevitably felt the lack of many other tools/resources, so i also mapped these and developed theses, concepts, maps, designs, experiments and prototypes of my own.

tl;dr β€” i found that: