welcome, friend! it’s a pleasure to have you here. 🎉

reality disruption labs **is a DAO - a decentralized autonomous organism - created to be a community/space for collaborative sensemaking, cool vibes and mutual support, all geared towards meta-systemic disruption.

it is a hub ****for l1f3 🎮 players, 🎨 artists, 🙏🏻 healers, ✒ designers, 👨🏻‍💻 developers, 🔍 researchers, 📢 communicators and 🛠 creators of all kinds to cohere, learn, share, play and build together.

the rd.labs (for short) is a project that stems from l1f3 stream, a deeptech nonprofit DAO that aims to rebuild the foundational systems of our civilization in order to create more regenerative and disruptive futures.

it's also an experiment into a metamodern guild with a unique energetic fingerprint and transcontextual culture, objectives and spaces.

if any of this didn’t make sense to you, don’t worry! check out the FAQ below, your question should be there. :)

but if it already resonated and you want to join, both the community and the development of the core projects is currently sustained by the work of c4ss1us. therefore, to get them off the ground and start gaining traction, we’re asking for a flexible financial contribution ($5-$50/month) from anyone who wants to join at this point in time.

you can make your contribution here and then you’ll have access to the discord + whatsapp community, alongside the foundational content and updates.

check our FAQ:

discover our core projects:

an introduction to the L1F3.GAME

projects breakdown:


🌟 or explore our knowledge base:

👀 overview

what's new?

DAO manifesto

DAO strategy

DAO manual

🧪 experiments


🧭 resources


🏮 media


[for contributors]