reality disruption labs

a) what is the reality disruption labs?

reality disruption labs is a post-digital, distributed collaborative organization (DisCO), created with the purpose of being a hub for the exploration, experimentation and disruption of different aspects of reality.

"when we're talking about the lab, we're not just talking about a lab - we're talking about an observatory, a laboratory, an incubator, a hub and an academy".

it's an ecosystem of initiatives that aim to learn how to cause disruptive (drastic, positive) changes.

b) why does the reality disruption labs exist?

to be a catch-all, flexible, broad enough explanation of what we do.

the internal goal for its conception is to help us create lifestyles that revolve around reality exploration, creative expression, and sharing/applying what we're learning.

the external goal is to help people develop themselves integrally and adapt to the future.

c) how does the reality disruption labs work?

if you're familiar with ken wilber's work, you might identify that each of the initial projects is related to the 4 quadrants of reality framework. so these projects' primary purpose is to help us grow in all quadrants - i.e. trail the ‣ - waking up, growing up, cleaning up and showing up.

we decided to format our initial 4 ventures like "labs", each one focusing on one aspect of these journeys. we chose this framing because a lab is easily associated with experimentation. although we're not really doing scientific research (yet), having these labs allow us to go deeper in the areas we're exploring and develop expertise in emergent technologies and techniques that are still widely unknown or unused.

another benefit of this structure is that it allows us to be "productive learners". we don't have to stop working in order to explore what we're really interested in. our work is to learn about what we're interested in and monetize these efforts by selling this expertise and products that may be born out of it.

d) how will we communicate what reality disruption labs is?

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