it doesn't feel like i have a real choice. i'm not doing what i wanted to be doing simply because there are no structures to support it. i have to build things from almost scratch.

it feels like i'm living in 1950 when i have to create all sorts of tools/systems to help me deal with the level of complexity i'm dealing with. it's ridiculous. i'm coding in binary the first programming languages.

many times i just wish this "me" already existed and i was born in 2020, so i'd have everything i'll build in my next 20 years at my disposal. i wish i was my kid. there are some other "mes", such as david allen/tiago forte and ken wilber, but it's still terrible. i feel nausea by doing what i'm doing (because it's so archaic), while it's still something only about 1000 people in the whole word population are doing/can do.

so sad.

what did i want to be doing?

i wanted to have flow in my daily life while working on something exciting, important and scalable.

i wanted to be able to explore, experiment, play and from that no-necessity of making money, have the mental, time and geographical freedom to discover and create incredible things.

is it hard to make money?

no, you just need to help people solve a problem they care about. simplest way: pick a principle of how to do things more effectively or efficiently, apply it. voi-la. but it's not exciting!