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hey! this is an experiment derived from an effective altruism practice, aimed at improving and guiding conversations to high-value and synergistic spots. here you’ll find an overview of my life/interests and be able to decide on what we can chat about. take a look below to find our common interests and feel free to 📆 schedule a call here.

my life/research is comprised of 4 main areas: meta-systems design, self design, life design & civilization design.

⭐ projects i’m currently working on:

🧪 experiments i’m running:

using archetypes as a foundational framework for life playing / management / streaming:

→ each archetype has different menus, views, projects, goals, references… (in development)

🤘 skills wanted: (for support on the projects)

👀 strong interest in: (already learning & wanting to learn more about)

📚 previous learning experiences:

🤯 favorite resources / recommendations:

(beyond the already-mentioned heuristic tools)

🦸🏻‍♂️favorite creators / authors:

spirituality <> civilization design:

knowledge design/management:


🐉 favorite works of fiction

📢 core ideas / memetics:

🎎 communities / memetic movements:

🧩 mechanisms to fix civilization:

♟ my favorite heuristic tools/devices: